
The following are anonymous testimonials DDIY has received from people we have helped in the commmunity:

“Thank you for your generous gift. It has helped me greatly with travel expenses to my medical appointment. If it wasn’t for DDIY I would not have been able to afford to go to my treatment.”

“DDIY Thank you so much for your help with gas and food costs so that I could afford to see my doctor. We could never have gone right now without your help. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.”

“Thank you for your generous gift. Pardon my not writing sooner. I just returned from 6 weeks at the Beacon House. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your DDIY. You are a kind and caring group.”

“DDIY Thank you for your help. Our family does not qualify for the low income help that is available for people in their time of need with medical tragedy. Your organization was the only one that could help to offset travel expenses for my medical appointments. My husband and I both work and we did not plan to get sick. Thank you for helping relieve some of the financial struggles that our family is facing.”